Why do medical devices need special wheels?
For prompt assistance to patients, medical institutions are equipped with mobile equipment, pieces of furniture and other mobile technical means. Laboratory racks, gurneys and patient chairs, outpatient beds, ambulance trolleys, infusion racks and other structures are driven by caster wheels specially designed for healthcare facilities.
Requirements for wheels used in medical facilities
Wheels installed on devices and devices used in clinics, hospitals and diagnostic centers must meet the requirements for all medical equipment:
the materials for the manufacture of wheel bearings must have anti-corrosion properties;
products must be ready for intense stress for a long period;
it is important for wheels to withstand regular sanitization with substances containing chemical compounds;
the structure of the supports should be easily repaired or replaced.
To fulfill all of the above conditions, special materials are used in the manufacture of wheels that meet strict sanitary standards and safety rules.
Types of wheels for medical equipment
Two types of castors have proven themselves best when used on hospital beds and trolleys:
Hardware wheels with cast gray rubber tires. Polypropylene rubber-coated rims move freely on various surfaces. They work very quietly (which is important for medical facilities), do not damage self-leveling or tiled floors. Rubber mounts are resistant to moisture and chemicals (except for aggressive mineral oils and solvents). The carrying capacity of these models reaches 100 kg, and the diameter of the wheels is 125 mm, which allows them to be installed on rather large mobile equipment.
Important! Gray rubber, in contrast to the usual black, does not have an unpleasant odor, does not leave marks on the floors, even with sharp braking.
Cast polyamide wheels. Nylon mounts have a high load capacity (up to 700 kg), which does not negatively affect the handling and abrasion resistance of the products. Wheel structures made of polyamide are easily amenable to chemical treatment and are not afraid of the effects of aggressive substances. Can be used on smooth, slippery and damp surfaces.
Useful information! Manufacturers produce double hardware clips of both the first and second types. These modifications have high maneuverability and maneuverability, capable of carrying significantly more weight.
Complete set of wheel supports
Not only the material of manufacture, but also the technical characteristics of all components of the mechanism has a great influence on the smooth operation of the wheel bearings:
bearings - for hardware models, sleeve bushings or ball bearings are most often used, which cope well with serious weight loads and greatly facilitate the movement of the structure and the work of personnel;
brackets - parts of a fixed or swivel type made of stamped steel, resistant to corrosion processes. To increase the maneuverability of the mechanism, the swivel arm assembly is equipped with a double-row bearing;
Fasteners - Hardware supports can accommodate three different types of fasteners: a dedicated four-bolt panel, a threaded metal bar, or a center hole.
Each wheel support can be equipped with a directional lock or a stopper (brake mechanism), which is very important for medical beds.
Benefits of medical rollers
Synthetic wheels are used in laboratories, large medical centers and private dental offices. Wheel structures for medical equipment received such distribution due to their advantages:
good driving characteristics on smooth flooring;
agility essential for hospital corridors;
depreciation properties required when transporting patients or equipment;
resistance to mechanical damage and chemicals;
respect for floors (do not leave marks);
the possibility of simple sanitization.
Medical rollers rarely need repair or replacement. The lifespan of the special castors can be equated to the lifespan of beds, carts and other equipment on which they are installed.