Wheels for trolleys and their main types

Varieties and features of wheels for trolleys

For its normal operation, warehouse equipment requires equipment with wheels. They are produced in a wide variety of types, differ in purpose, materials and design. To understand how to choose wheels for a trolley, let's look at the differences and main features of different models.

Classification by purpose

Carts, as transport devices, are used in a wide variety of industries and areas. In particular, they are used in laboratories, workshops, warehouses, hotels and restaurants.

Important: operating conditions differ depending on the purpose. It is for these characteristics that you should choose wheels.

Depending on the purpose, the following types of structures can be distinguished:

  • transom;
  • for warehouse equipment.

The first ones are intended for completing transport equipment that is used indoors. The main requirement for them is endurance. In particular, this group includes rocker wheels and fork rollers. The former differ among themselves on the model with brackets, ball bearings and without these parts.

In most cases, transom options are installed on transport devices for yachts, inflatable boats, boats and other special types of equipment.

Differences by type of material

The noise level, permeability, wear resistance and endurance in relation to the effects of aggressive media directly depend on the coating. Therefore, when buying wheels at the link https://www.fregat.com.ua/katalog/, it is important to consider this characteristic among the main ones. The following varieties can be distinguished:

  • polyurethane foam. These products are characterized by a one-piece construction. Their main advantage is invulnerability to punctures and cuts. Today they are the best alternative to pneumatic wheels;
  • rubber. Such models are universal. They are mainly installed on industrial and warehouse equipment. Among the properties: moderate noise level, resistance to aggressive media and damage, durability. In addition, they are available in an assortment of types (single, double), which opens up possibilities for choice;
  • polyurethane. Such products are among the main advantages characterized by resistance to abrasion and wear. They are considered the most common;
  • polyamide. It is an environmentally friendly and safe material. Wheels with such a coating can be installed on equipment intended for use in the pharmaceutical and food industries;
  • pneumatic. They provide good cross-country ability (easily and comfortably overcome bumps and obstacles), silent, soft. However, there is a significant disadvantage - vulnerability to punctures and cuts.

It is worth noting that all varieties also differ in design. They are rotary and non-rotary. The former provide better mobility and maneuverability of the transport equipment, and the latter - the stability of the course.

In addition to the purpose and type of coating, wheels for trolleys differ in terms of operating conditions. On sale you can find heavy-duty (withstand high loads), heat-resistant (for operation in hot shops) models, as well as equipped with stainless brackets (not afraid of moisture and corrosion).